Code of Conduct:
1) Players must demonstrate, and continue to use, basic English language literacy grammar and formatting. Writing structure should be constructed similar to novels and have concise ideas plainly explained by applying traditional English grammar, spelling and punctuation.
2) No gratuitous violence or sexual actions. Violence and sexuality can be expressed but must “fade to black” before becoming graphic and should be relevant to either the plot or characters journeys.
3) Vulgar language is permitted but should be used appropriately and true to how it is used according to the shows and films up to and including ST: Nemesis. Characters are allowed to use extremely vulgar language, but at a minimum and as warranted by the situation.
4) Dark themes are encouraged but absolutely no sexual violence is to occur in game either being done to a character or perpetuated by one.
Any requests to allude to sexual violence happening in game, or in a character’s backstory must be formally requested by the player to the Command Team who will make the final determination. These requests will be handled on a case by case basis, no exceptions.
5) Canon for the game will be based solely on all shows and films up to and including ST: Nemesis (released in 2002). Players may reference other sources for cultural references, etc but not for historical fact. Films and shows up until 2002 will trump all in any potential conflicts.
6) It is the player’s responsibility to politely and calmly settle any dispute with other players either directly in private, or with the assistance of the Command Team.
Each player is responsible for their own actions and will conduct themselves in a responsible, mature and ethical manner when engaging the Sim in any capacity, including the Discord server.
7) Gross misconduct by players will be met with appropriate disciplinary action determined by the Command Team. Such actions are up to and including suspension of the player from all access to the Sim and Discord server or full removal. The Command Team members reserves the right to immediately suspend players’ access to the Sim/Discord if players are abusive until the Command Team can convene to discuss the situation.
8) All formal disciplinary actions are determined by a simple majority vote by the Command Team, no exceptions.
9) Players are expected to be active in the Sim and must post at least once in a 2 week period, unless otherwise approved by the Command Team. (LOA, large plot oriented JPs)
10) Players are expected to respect each others time in regard to tags within a post. This includes both patience for a reply and answering in a timely manner. Please be considerate and communicate.
11) Due to the nature of the Sim, players are requested to give 7 days notice in writing of resignation from the game and to work with the Command Team on departure.
12) It is to be understood that characters are not representative of the player and the actions, thoughts, and beliefs of the character may not be shared by the player and will not be treated as such.
13) Due to the nature of the Sim, mature themes will be explored. However, the Discord will not host private OOC discussions/debates on such matters. Nor will it host discussions on personal views regarding politics or religion. Such discussions are expected to be held privately, away from the server. Players will be warned once by a member of the Command Team before being suspended (muted) on the server until the Command Team can address. Repeated violations will be met with further disciplinary action.
14) This Sim is intended to be highly collaborative and participation in both IC and OOC is strongly encouraged regarding the story. Players who have an idea for a major plot post, or a series of them, are encouraged to share and work with the Command Team to work the idea into the Sim.
Players who come up with these JP will be responsible for the posts and drive the narrative in them. This includes Missions. The Command Team will only act in an supervising and support capacity.
15) The Command Team reserves the right to reject plot ideas from players and will be decided by a simple majority vote amongst themselves.
16) Players are expected to keep characters and gameplay/posts to the tones and themes of both Star Trek and of the Sim. Please speak to a Command Team member if you are unsure if a post does so before posting or if you are wanting to do something outside of the scope of either.
17) Players are expected to have working knowledge, or educate themselves, on Trek lore and of the era the game takes place. This includes how characters in the era speak and conduct themselves to maintain immersion for all players.
18) The Discord server a shared public space and people are to feel safe and comfortable speaking their thoughts and opinions at all times. The server is to be treated no differently than any public space in real life and private jokes or discussions should be conducted in private DM or moved there if asked.
In addition, any information shared in private channels is not to be shared on The DMZ channels without the originator's expressed consent, including RL names to protect the player's privacy. The DMZ is for all players, including guests and some may not want their information shared.
19) All players recognize this is a conscientious game and there are some subjects that are too delicate to be handled within the context of the Sim. As such, some topics will not be discussed or shown in game without direct authorization by the Command Team who have final approval and would be case by case approval.
Players acknowledge and agree to abide by the rule and list (which will be ongoing) upon playing the game. This is for all players' safety and well-being as well respect as these are sensitive topics that require extreme skill and knowledge to write about.
List of off-limits topics without direct authorization by the Command Team:
Sexual Violence/Abuse-Including in Playable Character's histories
The Holocaust-Including allusions and allegories
Races that are not permitted as playable characters:
Omnipotent beings like Q
Races from other fandoms(Wookiees, Xenomorphs, etc)
Jem Hadar
Races that are subject to discussion with Command Team and review:
Ex Borg
Original races
Gamma and Delta quadrant species not listed above
Legacy characters are not permitted as playable characters. Playable characters are not allowed to be related to existing characters in any Trek lore. Playable characters are allowed to be acquainted with legacy characters, such as a joined Trill having studied under McCoy at Starfleet Medical, or served with Picard on the Enterprise, but are not to have personal relationships with characters.
The Command Team reserves the right to ask for changes to a character's profile or reject the character outright for any of the above reasons.