Lieutenant Evelyn Stewart
Name Evelyn Grey Stewart
Position Chief Flight Control Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 27 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'2(157.4 cm) | |
Weight | 115 lbs(52.1 kg) | |
Hair Color | Dark Brown | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Short and thin but physically fit and toned from training and various hobbies. Olive complexion from time spent on Vulcan. Dark brown hair that goes to her mid back, she pulls back into a tight French braid while on duty. Off duty she typically wears her hair in a simple ponytail, but changes it depending on the situation. Confident and alluring eyes offset her otherwise younger, attractive appearance. |
Spouse | N/A | |
Children | N/A | |
Father | Father-Sergent Calvin Stewart;(Retired) Not in contact | |
Mother | Mother-Crewman Marina Stewart; deceased | |
Brother(s) | Brother-Desmond Eliss; Half-brother, deceased | |
Sister(s) | Sister-Marianna Stewart; deceased | |
Other Family | Lt. Commander Tomran(retired); historian, ShiKahr Academy – Foster father Senril; Musician – Foster mother Captain Julien Naal; Senior Flight Instructor, Starfleet Academy (Earth) - father figure |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Despite her controversial past and tarnished reputation, Evelyn Stewart is an exemplary officer, when she chooses to be. She would be much farther in her career if it weren’t for her conduct. She prides herself on being the life of the party and a troublemaker. She is aware she is considered attractive and uses it to her advantage often. Like many pilots she is cocky and brash. Despite her resentment towards Vulcans she still relies on meditation techniques she was taught as a child and plays the lyre. She goes after what she wants regardless of what it takes to get it. Her Machiavellian attitudes about things has gotten her into her fair share of trouble before with Starfleet and creates a polarizing effect of other people's attitudes towards her. She uses her training in Intelligence to her advantage to both seize opportunities and to hide her personal issues she has either chosen not to resolve or has failed to do so. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | +Fiercely loyal to those she trusts +Playful and fun loving attitude +Can speak a multitude of languages but aside from English is fluent in Vulcan, Bajorian, Cardassian, Klingon and French +Received high marks in infiltration and encryption while at the Academy +Intelligent and charismatic +Qualified as a Level 5 in both piloting and small arms -Reckless and often self destructive -Aggressive and quick to anger -Bias against Vulcans -Distrust and lack of respect for Starfleet Command and Starfleet Intelligence -Has a reputation for being promiscuous -Temporal mechanics |
Ambitions | To prove she deserves to be in Starfleet | |
Hobbies & Interests | Orbital diving, cliff diving, rock climbing, tennis and various other sports, Earth dance, velocity, card games (especially poker and Tongo), martial arts, racing, swimming, skiing, drinking, shooting small arms For relaxation she prefers playing the Vulcan Lyre, reading (especially Bajoran poetry), painting, meditation and among her interests are psychology, wines, Xenolinguistics |
Personal History | Evelyn Grey Stewart was born on November 14 2360 at Starbase 133 to newlyweds Calvin and Marina Stewart. Calvin was a marine who fought during the Cardassian War. Marina was a nurse on the starbase. The Stewarts were transferred to a small medical research vessel when Evelyn was two. Marina, then seven months pregnant, was severely injured during a research experiment and an emergency C-section was performed to try and save the child. Marina died during the procedure and the baby, Marianna, died a week later from premature complications. Distraught over the death of his wife and newborn as well the overwhelming pressures of raising a small child Calvin turned to a former comrade on Vulcan who agreed to raise Evelyn in his absence. At first Calvin stayed in regular contact with Evelyn but over the course of a year he stopped communications. Evelyn proved to be both emotional and willful, a challenge for her foster Vulcan parents. Evelyn often found herself being disciplined and spent hours doing mental exercises designed for emotional control. She found an emotional release in the arts and spent much of her free time playing the Vulcan lyre and studying Earth dance. Despite this she deeply resented the Vulcans and their philosophies. She also developed a hatred of deserts and a lifelong love of water. In 2370, a courier named Desmond Eliss who claimed to be her half-brother contacted Evelyn. Desmond feared for Evelyn's safety on Vulcan with the political tension throughout the quadrant and petitioned the Vulcan government for custody of her. When DNA tests confirmed his story, and extensive evaluations were conducted, custody of Evelyn Stewart was transferred to her brother, upon her request. It was during this time that Evelyn learned how to pilot, using Desmond's cargo ship. She also learned that Desmond found out about her by tracking down records of their father, who had since retired, and he explained how his father was a womanizer who left his mother sometime before meeting Stewart's mother. Evelyn formed an extremely close bond with Desmond as they ran medical supplies between the Federation-Klingon border and the Bajorian-Cardassian border for the following seven years. However, severely lacking discipline, over time Evelyn began developing unseemly habits specifically drinking, gambling and associating with undesirable company. Desmond was also concerned for her safety with increasing tensions of hostility among the quadrant. At his insistence Evelyn enrolled in Starfleet Academy. Despite a few brushes with protocol regarding romantic relationships Evelyn adjusted reasonably well to life at the Academy. She thrived under the discipline and excelled in her studies in the Intelligence program. Her marks in linguistics, infiltration and encryption were top ten in her class, earning her the opportunity to graduate a year early and begin specialized training. Despite being in the Intelligence program Evelyn spent much of her time socialization with the cadet pilots and became good friends with Remy Naal. In 2379 news broke that Desmond was arrested after being the subject of a joint investigation by Starfleet Security and Starfleet Intelligence and was accused of illegal weapons smuggling for the Klingons. Starfleet Security reported that Desmond was arrested on Deep Space K-7 when they interrupted an exchange with Klingon contacts. Eliss was killed while in transport from Deep Space K-7. There is some speculation as to what exactly happened. The official report and follow up investigation gave minimal information as to what actually transpired regarding Desmond’s death. Subsequently it was reveled he had long running connections to D'Ghor and it was believed he ran weapons for him for sometime. To complicate matters Starfleet learned that Evelyn was having a romantic relationship with a Federation ambassador assigned to the Klingon embassy on Earth. Himself the son of a Vice Admiral. Evelyn was quickly questioned and an investigation into her involvement began. =^= ALL INFORMATION REGARDING CADET EVELYN STEWART INVESTIGATION HAS BEEN CLASSIFIED BY STARFLEET INTELLIGENCE. CLEARANCE LEVEL 8 OR ABOVE REQUIRED =^= ...working... ...working... AUTHORIZATION APPROVED Subject: Evelyn Stewart Age: 19 Height: 157.4cm Eyes: Brown -Subject is half-sister to accused smuggler Desmond Eliss. Subject piloted of accused’s ship for three years prior to entry of Starfleet Academy. Investigation into Stewart’s background suggests only mild acquaintance with low level associates for D'Ghor. Cadet Stewart has not been connected with known location meeting points. -Review of Cadet Stewart’s transmissions suggests no involvement in criminal activity. No indication that subject has made any encrypted transmissions of any kind. Cadet Stewart's transmissions to suspect indicate no awareness of such activities. -Cadet Stewart's story upon questioning has been confirmed by multiple sources including foster family, Ambassador Davis, Captain Julien Naal and his son. Nothing indicates a Klingon allegiance. -Cadet Stewart had two undocumented meetings with advisor for protocol violations regarding intimate relations with alien species. Subject has no criminal record. Subject has no known criminal affiliations. -Cadet Stewart's relationship with Ambassador Gideon Davis began three months prior to suspect's arrest. No unusual inquiries or requests by either subject of Ambassador Davis. UPDATE: Surveillance team reports Cadet Stewart and Ambassador Davis having several heated arguments, both publicly and at the ambassador's private residence, in the week following subject's questioning. UPDATE: Ambassador Davis and Cadet Stewart are no longer in contact with one another. Threat level: Minimal -Subject shows above average intelligence and academic file indicates she is highly skilled in languages, encryption, small arms marksmanship and infiltration. Cadet Stewart's projected to graduate from Academy in one year and two months. Conclusion: Cadet Evelyn Stewart, had no involvement or awareness of the smuggling operation conducted by suspect, Desmond Eliss. Evidence also suggests Subject's relationship with the ambassador had no nefarious purpose. Cadet Evelyn Stewart poses no immediate threat. Note: Cadet Stewart is well versed in espionage tactics. Psychological analysis suggests an extreme loyalty to suspect. Caution is recommended in addressing situation of suspect's death and she is denied access to related files. Recommendation: Psychological analysis, intelligence and aptitude scores all suggest moderate surveillance of the subject is warranted for a period of two years. Investigation into Cadet Evelyn Stewart considered closed. =^= END OF FILE =^= When the investigation was closed it was found she had no involvement. The scandal still caused the Federation Diplomatic Corps much embarrassment and the council put considerable pressure on Starfleet who presented Evelyn with an ultimatum: quit the Academy or quietly change to another program. The whole affair left Evelyn bitter and distrustful of Starfleet Command, Intelligence and Security. Humiliated and bitter Evelyn began acting out. She was reprimanded several times for drunk and disorderly. One incident she and several pilot cadets got into a drunken brawl off campus with some civilians. She continued to have multiple sexual relationships. The number of relationships escalated considerably in the weeks following what was being referred to as "The K-7 Incident". Eventually her friend Remy Naal talked some sense into her and before the end of term they were dating. Despite her record her flying skills did land her a spot in the Nova Squadron. However, both Remy and Evelyn, who by this point were engaged, were removed from Nova Squadron in 2384 and put on probation after they stole attack fighters and raced each other around the Sol System as part of a larger gambling ring she helped coordinate on campus. Privately, both were severely admonished by Remy's father as well. Because of the berating from Captain Naal, Evelyn started to straighten out and realized how close she was to being expelled. She pushed herself back up to being in the top twentieth percentile in her class. She developed a close bond with Captain Naal, even after the engagement broke off and Remy left Starfleet. She honed her skills even more under his tutelage and his mentorship. In the weeks before graduation Evelyn was having a drink in the officer's club with a lieutenant when she got into a verbal exchange with Rear Admiral Weston from Starfleet Command. Weston had strongly admonished the cadet at her disciplinary hearing for the racing reprimand Evelyn and suggested her actions were grounds to expel her as a result. Things escalated from personal attacks on each other's character to physical when the Admiral suggested she was involved in her brother's smuggling and Ambassador Davis was one of several liaisons she had to cover it up. Admiral Weston subsequently demanded her expulsion the Academy following a hearing. She would have been expelled if Captain Naal had not spoken up on her behalf and took full responsibility for her for the remainder of the term. Following graduation Captain Naal arranged to have Evelyn assigned to him at the Academy as an assistant flight instructor. After three years on Earth, Evelyn was eventually transferred to Psi Upsilon III. Evelyn spent the next two years teaching advanced techniques at the academy on Psi Upsilon III. While there she developed a reputation for being one of the most demanding instructors. Her students were proving to be some of the most versatile pilots in the fleet. |
Service Record | 2377-2379 - Starfleet Academy, Intelligence Program 2379-2381 - Starfleet Academy, Transfer to Flight Program 2381-2384 - Assigned to Captain Naal as Assisted Flight Instructor, Starfleet Academy 2384-2387 - Advanced Flight Tactics and Maneuvers Instructor; Psi Upsilon III 2387- Chief Flight Control Officer- USS Moore Formal Reprimands: 2379 - Drunk and disorderly conduct, actions unbecoming a cadet - Sentence: one week probation 2379 - Drunk and disorderly conduct, actions unbecoming a cadet, fighting, resisting arrest - Sentence: three-day sentence in Brig 2380 - Disorderly conduct, actions unbecoming a cadet, unauthorized use of a spacecraft, illegal racing within a star system, gambling - Sentence: Removal from Nova Squadron and six-month probation Note: Admiral Weston recommends Cadet Stewart be expelled during disciplinary hearing. 2381 - Striking a superior officer, disorderly conduct, actions unbecoming a cadet Note: Admiral Weston demands Cadet Stewart be expelled as a result of disciplinary hearing. Sentence: Probation for the rest of the term, flight status denied for sixteen months, assigned to Captain Naal for a minimum twenty-four months. |