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Fri Dec 20th, 2024 @ 5:42am

Lieutenant Commander Keishara Davaris

Name Keishara Davaris

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species El Aurian
Age 230

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 4"
Weight 120 lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description A small and slender frame with a smile that could light up a room. Has a few tattoo's across her body.


Father Eldrin Davaris (DECEASED)
Mother Yalanue Davaris
Brother(s) Kuskyn Davaris
Illithor Davaris
Darcassan Davaris
Hagduin Davaris
Sister(s) Soliana Davaris
Falenas Davaris

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kei can be quite guarded, she is what her life has made her. She can find it hard to trust but when she does you have her loyalty until the end.

She has a fierce protective streak and strong sense of justice by any means. She does what she has to do. Kei also has a fiery temper and hates being in enclosed spaces.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Loyal
+ Passionate
+ Life experience of 200+ as well as extensive skills in marksmanship, close combat to name a few.

- Can bend the rules to suit her needs
- Has a bit of a fiery temper.
Ambitions One day try and find out what happened to her family.
Survive life.
Hobbies & Interests Keeps her body fit by constant exercise whether that be at the gym, or martial arts techniques. Kei knows over a dozen different martial arts due to her profession in Starfleet, and other experiences before.

She has attempted meditation in an attempt to quiet her mind, and still tries now and then.

Enjoys drinking and even though avoids social events most of the time does somewhat enjoy the company of others as other voices are better than her own.

Personal History Kei was born on a bright summer's day in 2157 (Earth Calendar) on Repor II. It was a mining colony, one that supplied the El Aurian people with much needed dilithium as well as a few other hidden gems.

Her father, Eldrin, was the Chief Financial Officer of the biggest mining companies on the planet. They had settled there many years when Eldrin had been offered the job and this was before Kei and some of her siblings were born.

As is common amongst the El Aurian people Kei spent many decades in education.

However at the age of 38, when she was in secondary education, the planet was attacked by Olenovian pirates. There had been skirmishes with them in the past as freighters left the planet to transport ore back to core worlds but recently they had become more bold. There were rumours of them being backed by some crime group but these rumours hadn’t been proven by the time of the attack.

As the planet was attacked Kei had been in school and had been on her way to the safehouse for her family. Due to her fathers position within the company he was seen to be a target should an attack occur. En route to the safehouse Kei’s protection detail were killed and she was taken hostage.

A ransom was asked for and threats of no attempt at a rescue made.

A rescue attempt was put together and thwarted just as quickly.

As a result Kei was beaten quite badly. Her arm was broken and a recording of the beating sent to her parents.

Shortly after her father had managed to get the money needed from not only their personal accounts but with some help from the company itself. He went to make the trade under the flag of a truce, and once the trade was made he was killed on the spot and Kei never returned.

For the next 40 or so years Kei was a slave and servant for the Olenovian leader, Segal. He’d taken a liking to her when upon her presentation amongst other slaves she broke one of the guards' noses. Segal admired the fire, the grit of a bruised and battered woman could hurt one of his men. He took her, and killed the guard.

Kei learned to become more obedient, a shock bracelet will do that to you, and had to put up a lot over the decades. There was abuse on many levels, of many different types. Most she will not speak about.

Shortly after her 78th birthday Segal was deposed as leader of the crime syndicate when one of his power hungry rivals managed to stake a coup from within and then ended up killing most of the groups hierarchy before taking over. Segal escaped.

Kei slipped away when during the fight the shock bracelets were disabled. She shook it off, cut out the location device in the back of her neck and made for open space in a stolen shuttle.

She spent years looking for her family with no joy but had picked up some skills in her forced labour under Segal. She did jobs as a courier so she could learn skills to track and kill Segal herself.

This took her many years. Long, grueling years but the skills she gained in martial arts, weaponry, tracking and survival.

In 2250 she tracked Segal down to a remote moon where he was living a comfortable life. This soon ended when she managed to slip past his guards, his security system and kill him in his sleep.

Many years passed from that and Kei found herself no closer to finding her family. This coupled with the fall of El Auria 15 years later left the quadrant in tatters. The Borg had gotten bolder in their attacks and finally they could not withstand anymore.

El Auria fell. The Exodus happened.

Kei moved from job to job in order to maintain her ship, she had a small crew but never got too close to them. The fear of losing them was all too real and she remembered well what happened to her when she was younger.

In the early 2320’s she had made her way towards Alpha Quadrant and over that time her crew changed a few times as there were those that didn’t want to leave home or venture that far. By the time she’d reached Federation space she was alone once more.

Her jobs took on more of a protection/bodyguarding detail as she’d been flying solo for a while.

Kei became the close protection guard for Princess Origana of the planet Skywalke. For 15 years she watched the young woman grow to become Queen. Kei had mellowed somewhat but still had quite a hard shell to break. When the Princess ascended to the throne her protection detail was deemed insufficient and reluctantly Kei decided to leave. Queen Origana tried to convince her to remain but she had her heart set on leaving.

Shortly after her ship fell into disrepair. So much so that it could not be salvaged and she had to leave it behind on an outer planet near a Federation outpost.

Starfleet heard a distress call that Kei had just enough power to send. They picked her up and ended up chatting with some of the crew and liked what she heard. Maybe she needed to stop running from life?

In 2361 she managed to get into Starfleet Academy by passing the entrance exams.

During her time at the Academy there is hint of scandal where she breaks another students arm after he made continuous advances on one of her classmates. Incident said to have taken place outside of a bar. No security footage available and male accuser retracted statement for unknown reasons.

In 2365 she graduated with top marks in the fields of security, marksmanship and a few others.

Kei was assigned to the USS Oban as a security officer. This ship was one of the support ships that looked for survivors after the Battle of Wolf 359 as well as fighting some engagements during the Federation-Cardassian War before the treaty was signed.

During an investigation into drug smuggling an Orion, Twel, gives surprising information about his leaders after session with Ensign Davaris. Suspect looked visibly shaken and fearful, no reason given as to why.

Kei is given a reprimand for use of excessive force on captured Nausican pirates. No charges filed.

After many years on the Oban, Kei was approached to transfer to a newly commissioned ship, the USS Moore, as its Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer.

The USS Moore, a Prometheus class, a warship. Designed, produced and commissioned for the Dominion War and already put into service in early 2373.

More so come for during Dominion War... (need to tie up with CO)
Service Record Starfleet Academy - 2361 -> 2365
Security Officer, USS Oban - 2365 -> 2373
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Moore - 2373 -> 2375
Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Moore - 2375 -> 2387
Chief Security/Tactical Officer/2XO, USS Moore - 2387 -> PRES