Unpopular Briefing
Posted on Tue Sep 3rd, 2024 @ 2:36pm by Captain Julien Naal & Commander Steven Greco & Lieutenant Evelyn Stewart & Captain Stryvek & Lieutenant Commander Keishara Davaris & Lieutenant Dashku Zhevou & Lieutenant JG Baaru Liana & 1st Lieutenant Kes Th’relnal & Lieutenant JG T'Mara
0 words; about a 1 minute read
Year One: Strange Bedfellows
Location: USS Moore - Conference Room
Timeline: MD 001: 0730 hrs
Lieutenant Stewart stepped off the turbolift and onto the deck with a noise of annoyance. She had no idea why Commander Greco called the senior staff meeting an hour early this morning and assumed he was just being his usual golden boy self.
Walking down the corridor, she spotted Keishara heading in the same direction and caught up to the woman. "Any idea why Greco is calling us so early?"
"Because he's a dick..." Keishara grumbled but ultimately smiled once Evelyn had caught up to her proper. "There has been scattered reports of attacks on Orion ships in the area. Ironic given they are usually the aggressors but I think it may have something to do with that." Kei sighed. "Why it had to be this early I don't know... some of us aren't morning people... or anything people." she chuckled to herself.
Stewart just chuckled herself as she shook her head at Davaris and her assessment. "Well clearly it's not another tactical drill. We haven't heard anything from the Whisperers for weeks. Still, I wish he'd learn these kind of stunts aren't going to win him any points with a Vulcan." She mused with her friend as they rounded the corner, stifling a yawn as they did so.
As they walked into the conference room, Stewart stopped dead in her tracks. Any grogginess left her as her body went into high alert when she looked who was there to greet them. "Captain?!"
Standing and chatting with Greco was Captain Naal, the sector's commanding officer and Evelyn's mentor. If she had looked out the window of the conference room she would see the Madrid cruising along side the Moore and the reason for the early briefing would have made much more sense. Instead, the pilot struggled to process the fact her long time friend was in front of her.
"Hello, Evie." Julian Naal offered with a warm tone, dropping rank and basic formality in the moment for his common nickname for her. His otherwise hard face softening slightly with a bit of a smile that reached his eyes. He was glad to see her so well and settling into her first space assignment.
Unlike Naal, Stewart couldn't help but beam in joy at seeing the man she saw as the closest thing she had to a father. She took a step towards the man, intending to give him a hug before catching herself and remembering their surroundings and stopping. She did manage to see the almost imperceptible nod and look of approval in his eyes at her self control and decorum.
Steven Greco watched the exchange curiously. He had been aware of the previous relationship between the captain and lieutenant, but it was unexpected to see her react so positively. "We are just waiting on the others." He offered quietly, moving towards his usual seat.
Kes silently walked into the room and barely acknowledged those already gathered before he got to his customary seat and took it. He looked around the table and attempted to hide his frown. He wasn't a fan of early morning meetings, especially when they came after late nights.
T'Mara timed her arrival to the second. Her personal inclination would have been to arrive far earlier than she did, but had realized early on in her residency that most did not find Vulcan punctuality to be an benefit added, so she had performed a number of real-time experiments and deduced that arriving far closer to the stated start time appeared to be better received by all involved.
She walked into the conference room, forcing her gaze to remain straight when saw some of the other officers already at the table. Oftentimes such seats were 'claimed,' in a sort of unspoken ritual. It could be a potential minefield to select a chair. Ah well, nothing to be done about it than to move forward.
Walking over to a dark haired female officer wearing a collar of gold, T'Mara inquired, "Is the seat next you already assigned to someone?"
Keishara looked and did a slight double take at the woman asking to sit. It was the very Vulcan Evelyn seemed to have a distaste for... well, she didn't like most Vulcans to be fair. "No, you can sit there if you like." she responded with a small smile and the closing of her tired eyes.
Lieutenant Dashku arrived a few moments later, in a crisp uniform with her hair in it's normal top braid. Pausing for just a moment, she glanced around the briefing room and noted a Captain she didn't recognize and assumed he was the CO of the ship that was off of their Starboard side. She nodded to the commander, before heading to the replicator and ordering a large cup of Katheka, the Andorian version of Human coffee or Klingon raktajino, before taking her normal seat at the end of the table.
She took a sip and resisted the urge to let out a happy sigh at the taste, while it was a little early for a briefing, she seemed to be in a little bit better condition than some of the other senior staff.
Kes' antenna perked up and his eyes darted around the room as he smelled the familiar scent of the Katheka. His gaze settled on Dashku and he raised an eyebrow before silently giving the Orion officer slight grin and nod. He hadn't drank Katheka in years, but it was always a pleasant aroma that give him memories of happier times. He might have to pick drinking it again if these meetings were going to keep being this early.
Dashku caught Kes' reaction and nodded back to him with a smile of her own, before taking another sip from her cup. For a moment she felt briefly nostalgic, sitting on a balcony with her former andorian boyfriend, enjoying a cup among other things. She pushed the thoughts away, they were in a briefing and this was not the time or place for such things.
Stryvek bounded into the room. His gait and his face bore the weight of what had transpired over the past days, weeks, and months. It had always been said that heavy was the collar that bore the pips, and at least at the moment Stryvek would think that to be true. He took his seat at the head of the table and with a rise in his left eyebrow regarded his crew. "Morning ladies and gentlemen."
Keishara felt herself straighten a touch when Stryvek entered the room. She could tell her was feeling the effects of recent weeks and months but to others it was harder to see. She'd known the man for a long time. Turning to Greco she raised her eyebrows at him. "Can we start this now? I'm super excited to know why you've called us all here!" she added some fake enthusiasm to the room.
"I'm afraid that's on me, Commander," Captain Naal explained to the El-Aurian as he took his seat at the far end of the table, across from Stryvek after he gave the Vulcan captain a nod of greeting. "The Madrid needs to be on her way within the hour. I'm just here to give the Moore her new orders."
Taking a seat next to Dashku, and across from Keishara and the Vulcan who had taken her usual seat, Stewart furrowed her brow to hide her disappointment that Naal would have to leave so quickly, but kept her thoughts on the matter to herself.
Sitting to the right of his captain, Greco spoke up. "It must be serious if you are giving the orders in person."
Straightening his jacket as he settled, Naal nodded. "More of a security precaution. Starfleet Command and Intelligence still are sifting through the information we've gathered about the Whisperers, determining who are amongst their ranks within the fleet. That and..." Julian hesitated for a moment before continuing, "these orders are coming more from the Federation Council than they are they are from Command. The situation regarding the migration of Romulans into Federation space has put dire strain on our resources. The colonies on the fringes of our border have been feeling the impact for some time, but strain is beginning to show in the core worlds. We cannot generate enough raw materials to convert into energy to power our ships, replicators and other vital systems. Simply put, the Federation cannot keep up with production demands and our reserves are dangerously low. As a result, the Federation President has made a decision to that will prove to be unpopular once it's announced. A trade agreement, of sorts."
Kes leaned back in his chair and his antenna waved back and forth. In other words, they were going to make a deal with the devil. He accepted that the Romulans certainly aided them in the Dominion War during the Federations last deal with the devil, but did the ends always justify the means to them?
Feeling much like a Vulcan one of Keishara's eyebrows raised before turning back into a frown. Some would say she looked cute when she frowned, but that often landed them in sickbay. "A trade agreement with who?" she asked what seemed like the obvious question.
Dashku arched one of her brows, she too was curious who they would deal with. The Ferengi, the Breen, or even the Dominion were possible and they would make people unhappy. She turned her attention towards the front and waited for the answer.
Stryvek regarded his crew and noticed the emotional responses to the unknown. He also was sure to take notice that Captain Naal had left out the who almost as if he wanted the emotional or dramatic effect. It was quite curious to the Vulcan Captain. For his part Stryvek said nothing and awaited the who of this situation.
Captain Naal stroked the inside of his index finger in agitation as he looked around the table. "With the Syndicate." He eventually managed to spit the words out, the disgust and disdain still evident even after days of relaying the information.
As soon as the word was out of her mouth Dashku's mask dropped. She slammed her fist hard enough into the table it hurt even her and the loud thud echoed off the walls. She swore in Orion and her eyes blazed with unbridled anger. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew she needed to get a hold of herself. Starfleet didn't tend to like just how aggressive Orions could be in general.
"Of all the stupid..." When she realized all eyes were on her, she managed to cut herself off. "That is a mistake, we will merely be trading for stolen goods and the Orions will push to get every inch of concession they can get... Sirs."
"Are the Federation Council high?" Keishara asked calmly. Inside she was a boiling pot of anger, disgust and so much more. "To solve our problems during an ongoing fight with terrorists we are turning to terrorists, pirates and slavers..." she looked at Dashku. "not all Orions..." before turning back to Naal. "To help us. So, are they high? Replaced by Changelings? Just plain fucking morons?!" her anger rose as she questioned Naal. She knew it wasn't his fault but her anger needed direction.
T'Mara turned and stared at the Lieutenant Commander sitting next to her and it took all of her control to keep her facial compression completely neutral. Her brow just 'itched' to rise up in a Vulcan version of rebuke, but prudently not a single muscle twitched on her countenance.
It was a rather unorthodox strategy that was being outlined by Captain Naal to be certain, however, T'Mara was not in any position--rank or otherwise--to voice any objection. Besides, any personal objection from her part was completely unnecessary, given the overtly negative responses from other officers at the table. The colorful metaphors were quite an interesting strategy to employ at this juncture. It was going to be fascinating to witness how all of this was going to play out. Her attention turned to their commanding officer, Captain Stryvek, and her unblinking gaze held as she patiently waited to see what their CO would say on all of this.
“Sometimes turning to the black market isn’t the worst idea” Liana said as she stood against the wall just inside of the doors, having slipped in just as the reveal happened, “though that’s usually a last resort, not a first. Why not approach the Cardassian Union or the Tzenkethi? Or even the Tholians?”
"I'm guessing all those options have been explored." Kes mumbled quietly. "Aid from a legitimate government would have always been preferable. Looks like the Federation is drowning and grasping for anything or anyone it can."
"Either way, we're the crew of one ship and ours is to follow orders regardless of personal opinion." Kes glanced at the pair of Captains. "I don't like this either, but I'll follow lawfully given orders."
Dashku swore in Orion again, wanting to turn and spit, "You don't understand, they will use this to take advantage. Commander Davaris is right, there are many hard working Orions but the power structure is that of pirates. We view most in the Federation to be naïve to the point of foolishness. They will work to gain leverage and the deal with get worse and worse over time. Eventually, once they believe we are not in a position to deny them, they will demand people for their slave trade. I understand this is well above your heads and we have little choice but I know my people."
Stryvek responded to the news in the closest way a Vulcan could get to surprise. Both of his eyebrows went up, and after the initial outbursts he simply said one word softly and almost inaudibly. "Fascinating..." He waited and allowed everyone, or everyone who wanted to speak to do so. When he did spoke his voice had the tone of finality. "First and foremost I would like to remind you all that this is a briefing, and as such requires a certain decorum. While I may the only one entirely without emotion here, I do understand others who have emotions. I would never stop any of you from expressing them however, the language used should be better."
He paused and looked around the room his gaze eventually settling on Dashku. "Lieutenant you state that you know your people, and to that I have no doubt. I am also not naïve enough to say that all Orions would take the leap as you have. However, logic dictates that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Orions are effected by the Whispers as well. So, it is possible to that their assistance is in an attempt to put a stop to everything..." Stryvek turned to Naal as he continued to speak. "Captain take the following to your superiors. This ship, its crew, and I as Captain will follow the orders given by Starfleet Command. However, if the Orions should not honor the agreement we will have to take action orders or no." Deep within the Vulcan the anger roiled at this betrayal he would never allow anyone to see that, and meditation would be needed. But, that did not mean it was not there.
"Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy." Keishara commented. "Logic doesn't always dictate a true reflection of how things work. The logical way to get the best from people is to treat them with respect, with dignity, not enslave them and force them to do whatever you want. Piracy is not logical, its a justification for doing what you want under some deluded sense that the galaxy owes you something." Keishara sighed. "Surely with all the worlds within the Federation we could find a better way..."
"What if we put conditions to any deal we make with the Orions? Limit what they are allowed to do with the resources we trade them and a Federation observer must approve all use of federation resources?" Liana suggested as she felt the tension in the room. The Syndicate definitely had a strained history with the Federation.
Stryvek raised an eyebrow this time in almost appreciation of what Lieutenant Baaru said. "That is a very logical request. Captain Naal I will be submitting this request to the council. I believe it would carry more weight if you supported it." Stryvek knew that the Council would listen if both himself and Naal had recommended the same thing.
Stewart couldn't help but grin as she nodded in agreement. "And if they don't listen, we blow them out of the sky. We'd be the Alpha and Beta Quadrants a favor. What Starfleet Command doesn't know won't hurt them." She said with a laugh.
"Are you having trouble following orders, Lieutenant?," Naal asked with a sternness in his voice and a sharp look at the helmsman. "Your captain just said to maintain discipline."
Evelyn knew that look and tone and couldn't hold Naal's gaze for long, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. "No, Sir. I apologize." She offered meekly while focusing on the conference table.
With a final glance at Stewart in agitated sigh, Captain Naal looked at the crew before setting his gaze across the table at the other captain. "It seems you have a lot of work to do, Captain," He commented about the conduct of the senior staff before continuing in the same firm, no nonsense tone. "Starfleet's orders are clear. The Moore is to escort the Syndicate ship the Totor to Betazed to deliver the raw dilithium crystals for processing. You are to protect the ship, and her crew, at all cost. It is vital that this trade agreement is successful. Your objections will be noted in my report to Starfleet Command."
Naal settled his eyes on the Vulcan captain. "Under no circumstances are you, or your crew, to take actions against the Orions on the Totor short of them opening fire and defending yourself. You are to follow your orders, understood, Captain?"
"I will take action against anyone who threatens this crew, its mission, or this ship. If they fire upon us or if they threaten in any other manner. Trust is earned Captain Naal and the Syndicate may have earned the trust of the Federation Council. However, they have yet to earn mine. I will follow the orders. My primary orders are to the protection of this ship and crew first and foremost, all else is secondary. So, if they fire on us yes I will return fire. Should they attempt espionage appropriate action would be taken then. Should they be the cause of physical altercations on the ship, action will be taken." Stryvek directed all of his comments to Captain Naal. He wanted the other Captain to understand that he may be Vulcan but there was a line and the Orions should dare not cross it.
Stryvek then turned to Keishara. "Commander when Orions are aboard this vessel they are to be under security escort. They are not to be allowed in secure areas of the ship without consent of Commander Greco, or myself."
"I wouldn't have it any other way captain." Keishara replied with a nod before turning to Naal. "And you say the captain has work to do?" she knew he was inferring to the senior staff not only by how he said it but how he felt when he said it. "This room is not only about the relaying of orders and information, but also the free and safe space to offer alternate direction and to be able to air our concerns and frustrations with each other. He doesn't have work to do as we will all act professionally outside of this room when it comes to our mission, our work. Being a Starfleet captain of such experience I am sure you know and understand that. Surely you wouldn't want us to be so passionate outside of this room towards our junior officers and crew?" It was rhetorical that last question but she felt she needed to stand up for those in the room. Passions and tempers flare, but in this room it was safe to do so. They hadn't gotten to where they were in life by bottling it all up and dying of contained vitriol.
Captain Naal looked at the El-Aurian, unmoved. “Your comments are noted, Commander.” He offered the woman. While his face and body language remained stoic, his tone spoke of the respect he had for her passion.
Dashku was furious, she didn't slam the table this time or even make a sound but she was sure it was radiating off of her in waves. She could had throttled the command staff, but in the back of her mind she knew they were as bound by orders and she was going to be. Federation diplomacy was always a double edged sword that they could cut themselves with. Some people just couldn't be dealt with in a manner that some believed they could be. She would keep a close eye on any of the people that came over from that ship.
Naal’s eyes scanned the officers at the table before his demeanor softened. “I don’t like this anymore than all of you do,” He admitted, “But we have our orders. It’s our duty to serve the Federation in the best way possible, even if we don’t agree with their decisions. There is more at stake than simple politics here people. There are lives at stake, civilianlives. Both Romulan but also Federation. That’s who our duty is to. Agreed?” He asked in a tone that was looking for only one answer. “Now, are there any other questions before the Madrid moves on to the next ship?”
Keishara had none. None that would make any difference to this briefing or what the outcome would be. They were getting Orion's and they'd have to make do. There were a lot of people who felt strongly about the Syndicate and plenty on board that had been affected by them, those that had lived on the colonies on outlying planets. She was ready for this briefing to be dismissed. Words needed to be had, needed to be vented to Stryvek.
Kes kept silent as he read the room. A lot of heavy emotions all over the place and it didn't take an empathy to see that. He glanced at Dashku and Keishara before looking down at the table. He'd make sure to have a side bar with both of them once this was over. He needed to know as much as he could about what to expect from the Orions and how to support ship security. "No questions from my department sir."
Stryvek sat stoically as the briefing wrapped up. He knew that his people would not have any questions. They would have to sit with this information and stew as the Human phrasing went. For his part Stryvek would not admit it, but he too had to sit and stew.
Captain Naal looked at the group and nodded in understanding. "Very well then. I won't keep you from getting underway then." He offered as he stood, adjusting his uniform and nodding to the group and addressing the captain before following the first officer to the transporter room.
Once Naal was out of the room Stryvek looked up at his crew. "I know that none of you are pleased with these orders, or with this situation. However, we are all Starfleet Officers and as such we will adhere to the oaths that we took. Our orders will be followed without question. If you wish to make formal complaints about this mission feel free to place your complaint on my desk and I will make sure it is included in the ship's log. All of that said Lieutenant Stewart set a course for the rendezvous coordinates. Everyone else stations. Dismissed!"
Turning to head back out through the door she came in, Liana had the fleeting thought that now might be a good time to take the warp core offline for a thorough check, But she quickly thought better of it. While the delay would make some of the crew happy, angering the Orion Syndicate may not be the best idea right now.
Keishara watched Stryvek also leave the conference room and before she knew it her feet were soon following him as they now both headed towards his ready room.
Kes shook his head and sat in silence for a moment before pushing himself back from the table and standing up with an uncomfortable wince. He glanced as Keishara followed after the captain and frowned. He'd have to pick her brain once she was done, but he had a feeling there would be no good time to do so.