Unwanted Guests
Posted on Sun Oct 13th, 2024 @ 10:06am by Commander Steven Greco & Lieutenant Evelyn Stewart & Captain Stryvek & Lieutenant Commander Keishara Davaris & Lieutenant Dashku Zhevou & Sayssus Zhevou
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Year One: Strange Bedfellows
Location: USS Moore - Bridge
Timeline: MD: 003 - 10:00 hrs
Lieutenant Stewart tapped the controls to her console. "Captain, we are arriving at the coordinates." She called out over her shoulder as she tapped the sequence to bring the ship out of warp.
"Here we go." Keishara thought as she manned her station. It was a shame no-one wanted to swap bridge shifts with her, she could have easily missed this.
Dashku was glaring at her console hard enough she felt like she was going to bore a hole right into it. She had no desire to meet with her people, escort them anywhere or interact with them any more than she had to. When the call came out from the station next to her that they were nearly there, she snapped her head up and started to glare at the viewscreen.
Stewart sighed as she tapped the controls to bring the ship to all stop, per her orders, but otherwise kept silent.
Commander Greco moved from his station to center of the bridge, slowly approaching the Conn. He was preparing himself for any quiet or subtle orders from the captain to give to the crew.
Stryvek looked up from the PADD he worked on. "Thank you Lieutenant all stop. Commander Davaris active scan how far out are they?"
"ETA is 5 minutes captain." Keishara replied as she watched the sensor marker close in. Soon there would be a green face lighting up the viewscreen and they would have to put on their game faces.
"Very well. Inform them that we have arrived and await them." Stryvek sat in the chair rigid. He went by the book but could not shake the idea that something was going to happen, and he should be ready for it.
"Interesting." Dashku spoke up as she glanced up from her console. "An Orchid class vessel, around the size of a constitution class ship. Standard crew compliment is one hundred and twenty. It's identifying as the OSS..." There was a long pause before she continued. "Stalker."
Stewart's brow furrowed as she looked at Dashku with confusion.
"Thank you Lieutenant." Stryvek replied as his thoughts pondered all meanings of sending a ship named Stalker to this mission.
When the Stalker finally dropped out of warp, it took a moment to reorientate itself in space before approaching the Moore. As it started it's approach, the Orion ship sent out a hail, waiting for the Starfleet ship to answer.
The Moore's view screen swapped over to an Orion woman that was dressed in a black uniform shirt, a gold collar denoting her rank of Captain and a pair of segmented pauldrons on her shoulders. She looked like an older version of Dashku, black hair with a little bit of grey, she had a slightly different nose and chin but had the same brown eyes. Dashku favored her father when it came to her nose and chin.
Dashku swapped from anger to shock as she finally made the connection that Captain Zhevou was on the viewscreen. Her mouth was slightly open as she just stared at the woman who any outsider could tell they were related, they looked too much alike not to be. She couldn’t believe this, how was it that their two ships just happened to be the two that were chosen? Before she could fully process the thought the woman on the screen seemed to lock eyes on her.
“I see you have a lovely shade of green adorning your bridge,” Sayssus said with a coy smile. “It’s been a long time Dashku.”
“Yes it has… Mother,” The pause was another long one and her voice was strained.
She wasn’t sure she wanted the rest of the crew to know just how they were related but there would be no point in hiding it long term. This complicated her anger, it had been twelve years and she’d avoided returning because she didn’t want to face her mother and now she was going to have to.
"Captain Stryvek I presume?" Sayssus asked, even though she already knew the answer. She was satisfied with the way her daughter had answered.
Stryvek already had an eyebrow raised at the general situation. Now, upon learning of the relationship between the Captain of the Orion vessel and his Operations Chief the eyebrow practically hit the roof. "Yes, I am Captain Stryvek of the USS Moore..." There was a split second where Stryvek debated with himself what to do next. He decided on diplomatic protocol, and stood up. His right hand formed the V salute of his people. "Allow me to be one of the first to welcome you to Federation space. Live long and prosper Captain."
"Peace and long life, Captain," Sayssus replied warmly.
"This ship has been identified to Starfleet as the OSS Totor, explain yourself, Captain." Greco said from where he stood with the Captain, his tone as hard as the situation was tense. He did not like the idea of them being deceived or made the fool by these thugs.
Sayssus flashed the Commander a smile, "Has it? Or do you mean that Starfleet had the OSS Totor as the original ship for this rendezvous? As soon as I heard that it was the Moore I couldn't let an opportunity pass up to see my daughter and I requested the assignment."
Stryvek, now lowered his hand piped into the conversation. "Captain, if that is the case, and I have no doubt it is, then why not inform Starfleet Command of the change in vessels."
"The always logical Vulcan," Sayssus replied playfully, she had quite an affinity for Vulcans. "In truth I have to claim innocence. I would have expected the Orion government to have notified you, but surely you must know how slow a bureaucratic system can be. I will transfer over the copy of my orders confirming the change. I trust that will satisfy you Captain? If not feel free to confirm it with whoever you like. Every day longer that it takes for delivery is more latinum for me and my crew."
Kei snorted in the background. The claim of innocence reeked of duplicity and sheer gall of this captain, and in turn Dash's mother. She knew better than to speak, she had nothing to say anyway. Keishara had felt her internal shields raise, even the tone of Captain Sayssus felt like Segal, her previous captor.
Stryvek knew that the Moore outgunned this vessel. So, the logic of the situation as he saw it was to take the Captain at her word, then work to confirm her story and if orders came to fire he would have the high ground. "Captain, thank you I would appreciate the opportunity to review those orders. I believe you know the adage time is money, so perhaps we should simply be underway."
"Wonderful," Sayssus said with an almost purr. "I'll have my first officer send over everything you require. One last thing, if I may, I find Vulcans fascinating. A dinner invite for you Captain. I would love to treat you to some Orion hospitality and my quarters are quite comfortable."
"Mother..." Dashku said with a mildly warning tone.
"Dashku, it's a simple dinner invitation," Sayssus said with a dismissive wave of her hand.
Stewart was torn as she watched the exchange. At first she sound the flirtations of the Orion captain towards Stryvek amusing, knowing he would either misread her intentions or grow uncomfortable and attempt to deflect. But now that an invitation to dinner was offered, she felt her body stiffen on reflex. It was all she could do to keep control of her disapproval and emotions outwardly, focusing her attention intensely on her console to help.
Stryvek set his Vulcan logic to the task and evaluated what the outcomes could be in the instant. He knew that the Orion Captain would seek to make him and perhaps the Operations Chief uncomfortable to say the least. He also knew that he was immune to her chemical advances. Going there would keep with the diplomatic theme of this mission and keep the Orions off his ship for as long as possible. "Very well Captain. I accept your invitation. However, you do understand that Starfleet regulations dictate that I cannot come alone."
"Oh Captain, I assure you that I wouldn't make you do anything you wouldn't be... longing to do for me," Sayssus said with a slight purr to her voice. "We are allies and I only wish to extend my hand in friendship. Our two peoples have been on the opposite side for far too long. Bring someone along if you would feel more comfortable. My dear Dashku might be a good candidate as liaison between our crews."
Dashku wanted to respond, but protocol dictated that she stay quiet. Her mother made her blood boil and she remembered exactly why she was in the uniform. She didn't want to get reprimanded but she was having a hard time keeping her mouth shut.
"Oh and one last thing I almost forgot," There was a tone to her voice, it was subtle but it was the tone she used when she wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Since we're traveling through Federation space, and your guests, my crew would love to visit such an impressive ship and enjoy getting to know all of you. Your crew is welcome aboard my ship."
Keishara was torn. In her role as Security Chief she should really go on the Stalker with the captain but every fibre of her being was yelling at her to fire the photon torpedoes... maybe not a such a good sign but she had little empathy towards pirates and slavers. Every time that woman spoke was like hearing Segal's seductive whispering lies. It made her skin crawl.
Steve subtly glanced around the bridge, unable to notice crew’s bodies stiffen in response, even if they kept quiet. Not willing to even so much as flinch, he quietly set his jaw and narrowed his eyes, listening to the sweet demands coming from the Orion captain, waiting for Stryvek to cave.
Styvek wanted to keep them off his ship for as long as he could. At the very least long enough for Greco, and Davaris to get some security measures in place. "Captain, as you are no doubt aware there are procedures that must be followed before anyone is allowed aboard a Starfleet vessel. That said we could discuss this further at the dinner you suggest." Stryvek knew that he could not refuse the request. Although he could stall for as long as possible.
Sayssus pursed her lips for a moment as she considered how to respond. This was the Federation, Starfleet, and they would want to handle things with diplomacy before anything else and she knew she'd have her moment. "We would agree to your requirements. You have a military vessel and proper protocols must be followed. My crew will observe your rules or I will deal with them personally."
Stryvek had wanted to discuss this in private Captain to Captain. However, it seemed that Sayssus wanted this done on open channel. While he thought this illogical he felt he would oblige. "Captain that would indeed be helpful. I would add that no visitor will be allowed in a restricted area of the ship without prior authorization from myself. A list of these areas can be transmitted to your ship. Standard rules of conduct would apply to anyone on this vessel. Should a member of your crew break one of our rules or laws they will be subject to repercussions either prescribed under Federation Law or agreed upon by yourself and I. The number of guests aboard our vessel will be limited as determined by my Chief of Security. Your crew can rotate their visits so that the number stays limited. Lastly, I will signal you when we are ready to receive guests. Do you agree to these terms?" Stryvek added the last point to once again try to buy Commanders Greco and Davaris time to make ready.
"I agree to your terms, my interests are aligned with yours Captain and while I know my crew can be a bit... rowdy, I want to assure you and everyone on your ship our intentions are to deepen our relationship with our new trading partners," Sayssus replied with a nod, she wanted everyone to hear it. She wanted to come as a friend. "I know that you do not trust us, and it is my job to show you that you can."
Stryvek knew that it would be a long discussion if they wanted to gain anyone on the Moore's trust. "Very well. I will transport over at 1700 hours if that is all." He wanted to end this conversation as quickly as possible. He may of not shown it but he did not like having to deal with the Syndicate just as much as the rest of the crew.
When the viewscreen went back to the starfield, Stewart spun around in her chair. "Captain, I have that information from Captain Naal about our proposed flight plan. Given the nature of security, he rather it is reviewed in private." She offered to Stryvek. She knew it was a weak and flimsy excuse to meet with him in private, but it was all she could come up with in such a short amount of time while controlling her feelings.
"Very well Lieutenant, in the Ready Room. Commander Greco you have the bridge." Stryvek rose from the center chair and made for the Ready Room. He knew that there was no classified flight plan from Captain Naal. However, he did want to see what Stewart had to say.
Stewart set her jaw and forced herself to relax and intentionally, but purposefully, got up from her post to follow as she did her best to not show her eagerness to discuss her thoughts on these developments with the Captain.