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Changing of the Guard

Posted on Sun Nov 24th, 2024 @ 11:52am by Commander Steven Greco & Lieutenant Evelyn Stewart & Lieutenant Commander Keishara Davaris & Lieutenant JG Michael Harris & Ensign Sophie Bishop

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Mission: Year One: Strange Bedfellows
Location: USS Moore - Bridge
Timeline: MD: 007 - 9:30hrs

Steve was reviewing the latest security report of the Orions arriving and departing from the Moore at the Conn. He rubbed the growing headache he could feel in his forehead. With a sigh he looked down at Stewart at the helm. "Lieutenant, sure we can't go any faster?"

Stewart let out her own sigh of frustration, though more softly as she focused on the console to keep her annoyance from the first officer. "Unfortunately not, sir. Regulations state we are at the maximum speed for an armed escort through Federation space."

"You know if we lose the deadweight we are carrying we can go faster." Keishara commented looking up at Steve. If they just left the Orion's in the dead of space, would anyone care?

Michael had been serving as the de facto Chief Science Officer ever since Amarok left. As such he had a lot more bridge work to do and that included today. He manned the Science console with his newly installed cupholder, in said cupholder was a tankard that housed his beverage of choice. He took a large gulp of the amber liquid he called a bee sting and smiled. "I am with the Commander if that means anything. Although we could simply take the cargo from their own holds. This way we get what we need and cut the proverbial dead weight without an international incident." He took another gulp and set his cup back in the holder.

Stewart spun in her chair at the science officer's words and looked up at him in confusion before silently turning towards Davaris for an explanation, she had been serving on the ship much longer than she had.

"I mean, I meant just blow them up... but yeah." Keishara smirked. "Fingers on the button, Commander." she looked at Steve.

Steve just gave a small smirk as he sat in the command chair before turning his attention to Harris. "Mister Harris, conduct long range scans with the deflector. I want to know if there are any surprises in our path before we stumble upon them. The sooner we get to Betazed, the better."

"As you wish sir..." Michael always thought the yes sir was too formal, and aye aye was just silly, so he used as you wish. His small finger began to key in the commands to the Moore's sensors. "We should have some results in a matter of minutes." His mouth opened as if he wanted to say more and then he caught himself. "Commander Greco, permission to speak freely?"

Steve had gone back to his PaDD after giving his order to the science officer, expecting it to be the end of it. He was surprised the man would have something to add.

Turning his head towards the man, Greco cocked his eyebrow slightly in mild interest. “Go ahead, Harris.”

"With all due respect to yourself, the Captain, and Starfleet Command. Why do we have to escort the Orions? They are providing some much needed supplies for our colonies. Why can't the supplies simply be transported into our cargo holds and that would be that." Michael knew what he wanted to ask would cast doubt on their orders. Hence the reason he asked permission to speak first.

Greco looked at the science officer for a long moment before turning to the security chief. “Hearing this, Davaris? Sounds like everyone has spent too much time with the Captain and his Vulcan logic.” He teased, agreeing with Harris but doing his best to deflect it.

"Everyone seems to have an opinion, sir." Keishara replied without looking up from her console. The readings were non-existent, at least of anything of any value or interest.

The First Officer smirked as he listened to the griping of the crew. After a moment he turned back to Harris. “Lieutenant, have you ever heard the phrase ‘It is not to reason why but to do and die’?” He asked of the science officer, quoting the epic poem and why they are following such a distasteful order.

"Quite so, as for me I drink and I know things." Michael said in response to Keishara first. He paused in his speech to take a rather large gulp from his tankard. "Commander I have heard and read that poem countless times. And if I am not mistaken the Brigade in the poem that does not reason why gets surrounded by cannons and dies." Michael smiled broadly and raised his tankard in toast. "And that ladies and gents is how you rhyme." He gulped again reveling in his own jokes.

Stewart laughed and smirked up at Harris from her chair before she glanced at Sophie beside her. "They still teaching that rhetoric at the Academy, Bishop?" She asked playfully.

Sophie looked up as if she had been miles away. Locking eyes with Greco before looking over at Stewart quickly she let out a half smile. "Yeah, sure do. Sometimes it takes cannon fire to wake people up out of their own stupidity." she added randomly at the end. It wasn't obviously pointed towards Greco, but she sure felt like throwing a cannonball or two off his thick skull.

Stewart heard Sophie muttering to herself and was shocked. She had to suppress the smirk that came to her lips before leaning over to the young ensign. "Take it down a notch, Sophie. He's still the first officer. This is why you don't get involved with superior officers." She quietly shared to the junior officer.

"Well that and they are lousy in bed." Michael said in response to Stewart's comment. He gulped the drink again. "I mean why try to sleep your way to the top when you can be the top that someone sleeps to."

"I have no idea what you're talking about Lieutenant." Sophie responded to Evelyn, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red. Almost immediately, a man from the science station, whom she had never interacted with before, decided to weigh in. Sophie was taken aback; her expertise in that field was minimal, and yet here was this man, discussing it openly on the bridge. "I have no intention of advancing my career that way!" she asserted in a hushed but firm tone.

"My apologies Ensign. It was not my intention to imply that you would advance in that manner. Simply that it was done my some people..." Michael's voice trailed off as he thought he may have said too much. "...I'm sorry." He added and sipped his drink. Sometimes Michael simply ran his mouth too much.

Stewart went to offer comforting words to Sophie, but Greco's voice boomed firmly around the bridge. "Alright, that's enough, people. You are all bridge officers, not gossiping cadets."

"Yes sir..." Michael responded to the XO. For the first time in a while he did not have a quip in return. This was mostly because Michael believed that he better not push his proverbial luck.

Glancing back up at the Conn and seeing the scowl on Greco's face told Stewart she also should just get back to her post without a word, letting the bridge grow quiet once again.


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