Posted on Tue Feb 20th, 2024 @ 4:36am by Lieutenant Commander Keishara Davaris & Captain Stryvek & Commander Steven Greco & Lieutenant Evelyn Stewart
0 words; about a 1 minute read
Year One: Whispers in the Wind
Location: USS Moore - Bridge
Timeline: MD: 31 08:42 hrs
Steve took his raktajino from the replicator and moved across the bridge back to his station. He glanced down to the helm and saw Ensign Chapman still her station. He glanced around the bridge before speaking to her. "Sasha, you were duty last night, weren't you? Why are you still here? Where is Lieutenant Stewart?" He asked.
Chapman shrugged. "I'm sorry, Sir. I couldn't tell you." She said.
Greco set his jaw as he glanced behind him at the captain, annoyance written all over his face. This was becoming more and more a regular occurrence.
The ship was at warp. Hot on the tail of whoever caused that explosion. Stryvek's thoughts were lost in planning what to do when they caught up. The look on the XO's face brought Stryvek out of his internal planning and into the present. "Is there something I can do for you Commander?"
Steve bit down on his anger, "No, Sir." he replied before he turned back around to Chapman, nodding to her. "Get Stewart's relief up here. I'm not going to keep you here because of her." He said to the ensign who simply nodded and began tapping controls.
Before first officer could call Lieutenant Stewart on the comms, the doors to the turbolift opened. Stewart came rushing out and moving to take her post without a word. Despite being in a crisp uniform, she looked worse for wear. She was exhausted and was still finishing braiding her hair as she stepped off the turbolift and walked down to the front of the bridge. It was clear she was hungover. Again.
Frustration boiling over, Greco eyed Stewart in silence as she relieved the ensign before glancing at Stryvek. "You're late again, Lieutenant." He said sternly.
"I realize, Commander. It won't happen again." Stewart said insincerely, her own temper building from his tone. Her head was still pounding from the night before.
"You said that last time. This is the third time this week." Steve said, not letting the situation go. It was unacceptable that she continued to arrive late to her duty shifts and again barely fit for duty.
"Thank you for keeping count." Stewart said surly while checking over the console, getting her bearings on where they were.
Steve took a deep breath and put his mug on the console and walked the few steps up towards the conn, looking to the captain for support.
"Lieutenant Stewart. The Commander is correct. If you cannot make it to Alpha shift on time, then perhaps we may have to change the shifts around. It is unfair to your colleagues and the rest of this crew to have their safely jeopardized by under rested crew that are covering for your tardiness." Vulcans who went through Kolinahr like Stryvek never got angry, or even upset. However, it could be said that Stewart's behavior had begun to make Stryvek perturbed.
Stewart simply nodded as she focused on her console. "Mmhmm.." She said with the same surly tone to Stryvek. She was still furious with him and hadn't spoken to him in a non-official capacity since he beamed himself out of her quarters weeks ago.
Greco's jaw ached from how tightly he clinched his teeth. "The captain just addressed you, Lieutenant", he said sternly as he glared at the back of the helmsman's head. He had been complaining about Stewart's drinking and tardiness for over a month to the captain but it had gotten considerably worse the last few weeks. He was in no mood for her insubordination.
Evelyn's temper got the best of her and she spun in her chair to face the commander. "What do you want, Greco? Are you going to send me back to Avestro? A lot of good that did." She commented sarcastically, holding his gaze for a moment before going back to her console.
If it wasn't evident before in his stance and tone, Steve's red face showed how angry he was. Taking a deep breath, he let it out before turning to the captain, silently looking for direction on how he wanted to handle the open disrespect on the bridge no less. "Your orders, Sir?"
Stryvek cocked an eyebrow the events that unfolded before him were quite fascinating. The bridge remained silent as the Captain contemplated what should be done. In truth what she had said or done was not bad enough to warrant her placed in the Brig, however, it also could not go unchecked. In due time with an even tone Stryvek spoke. "Lieutenant Stewart a formal reprimand will be entered into your file for this insubordination. You will keep this ship on course, and if you cannot then we will summon someone else to the bridge. Is this understood?" Before Stewart could answer Stryvek held up his hand to stop her from speaking. "The next words you speak should be yes sir."
Evelyn’s eyes snapped up to the captain’s for a moment. She could feel how warm her face was getting in anger. She set her jaw and glared at the captain, despite knowing it would make no difference. “Yes, Sir.” She said with barely concealed rage and far less respect than he deserved on the bridge before turning back to her station. “As if flying in a straight line was the most difficult task on this ship.” She muttered to herself, not caring if the XO, or anyone else heard her.
With a frustrated breath exiting his nose, Steve glanced at the Vulcan captain before making a decision. “You’re relieved, Lieutenant.” He said sternly. When he saw the woman didn’t move from her post, he realized she was ignoring him. Having had enough of the insubordination, he grabbed the helmsman’s arm to pull her upright. “Alright, let’s go.”
Feeling Greco’s grip on her upper arm pulling her to stand, Stewart’s control of her temper snapped. While being pulled to her feet, she turned in the XO’s direction and used the momentum of her standing to shove him away. “Get the hell off of me.” She said as she shoved at his chest.
Stewart clearly caught Steve off guard and off balance as he stumbled over the steps down to helm and ops and fell on the floor, looking at her in shocked annoyance.
Stryvek stood from his chair and looked toward the XO. This was done merely so he could get a better look and see if Greco was okay rather than for any dramatic effect. "Commander Davaris place Lieutenant Stewart under arrest and place her in the Brig. That is unless Commander Greco would not like to press charges?"
Keishara had watched the exchange between the CO, XO and Evelyn from her tactical console. There were times where she wanted to interject but at the same time knew that any intervention by her would not make any difference to how Evelyn would react. She'd tried that before.
Rising from her chair she moved towards Evelyn whilst internally smiling at seeing the XO knocked on his ass. It wasn't right, but still seeing the straight laced boy scout getting a push back made her mood lift. That was until she found herself next to Ev and waiting to see what Greco's answer to the captains question would be.
Evelyn looked up at Stryvek in surprise at his orders. She couldn't believe she was having her sent to the brig. She glanced at Kei when she approached before turning her attention back to Steve, expecting him to use the situation as an excuse to have the book thrown at her.
Steve stood back up, feeling embarrassed by the situation. He straightened his uniform and set his jaw as he glanced at Stewart before stepping back up towards the captain. He hadn't been expecting the question.
Despite not being able to stand Stewart, he wasn't immune to understanding her situation. Pressing charges wasn't going to help wasn't going to with anything. But she didn't need to know that, yet. "I think it's best Lieutenant Stewart has some time to cool off while we discuss the situation, Sir." He said diplomatically, looking at the captain but having no inclination of pursuing the matter.
"Very well. Then my orders still stand. Commander Davaris if you please." Stryvek remained standing. The look on his face emotionless but the anger roiled underneath. He knew better than most that this would be the time that Evelyn would learn. It was time that she decided what she wanted out of life. If she chose to continue as an officer then Stryvek would make sure that she started to act like one.
Kei sighed before looking at Evelyn and as she did so their eyes met. She knew this was one to be in professional mode for. Yes, Evelyn was her friend but she should not have pushed the XO, no matter how many people wanted to see it. "Lieutenant Stewart, if you'll come with me." she stated. It wasn't a question.
She knew Evelyn would comply without need for hands on her as they moved towards the lift.
Stewart just silently glared at Stryvek as she followed the security chief. Her shock at being ordered to the brig was fading to a barely controlled rage. Setting her jaw she managed to keep herself quiet as she passed him, even if she shook with the effort as she made her way to the turbolift.
As the turbolift doors closed Kei's shoulders dropped. "Deck 7, Brig." she said before turning to Evelyn. "Could you not have done that in a less public space?" she asked almost rhetorically.
"Not now, Kei." Stewart muttered quietly as they made their way to Deck 7 in silence.
Kei opened her mouth to say something but only took an inhalation of breath before thinking maybe a ride in silence would be the wiser course of action just now. She would set her up in the brig, let her think on what she'd done and hopefully it would shake some sense into her.
Even if that was unlikely...