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Sun Nov 24th, 2024 @ 12:22pm

1st Lieutenant Kes Th’relnal

Name Kes Th’relnal

Position Marine Commanding Officer

Rank 1st Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6’6”
Weight 240 lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Violet
Physical Description Kes is a rather large and imposing Andorian. He keeps his hair short and combed back. It’s been years since he tried growing a proper beard so he keeps clean shaven as per marine regulations. While not toned, he does take pride in staying in shape.


Father Othyr Th’relnal
Mother Vrali Sh’relnal
Brother(s) Thehl Ch’relnal
Sister(s) Para Sh’relnal

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kes is a career soldier. His personal values reflect those of his training; Honor, Courage, and Commitment. He can be loyal to a fault and will follow orders even if he doesn’t generally agree with them. Kes will voice his opinions, but he will still get the job done.

In his personal time, Kes likes to paint landscapes and sit back with a glass of ale. He takes pride in his physical strength and trains regularly to maintain his size and form.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Physically strong
+ Honorable
+ Loyal
+ Hand-to-Hand Combat
- Short fuse
- Takes a while to warm up to those who didn’t serve
- Addiction to sedatives
- Arrogant
Ambitions To bring honor and status to his family
Hobbies & Interests -Painting

Personal History Kes had trained from childhood to be a soldier as a member of the Andorian Imperial Guard. His large frame allowed him to dominate his classmates in feats of physical strength and this made him somewhat arrogant as he learned to value strength and power, namely his own.

He was often stationed with his family growing up and took part in many foot patrols as part of his training. When he reached the age of maturity he was given his full commission as an officer in the Imperial Guard and began going on more dangerous and critical assignments.

In 2373, with the Dominion War looming, Kes and several of his fellow young officers were put on an exchange with the Starfleet Marines in order to boost their numbers.

His first taste of the War was during the attack on the Dominion Shipyards at Torros III. While Kes enjoyed the success of that operation, it was followed by many failures and retreats. This hardened him more and more, galvanizing him against the Dominion with each loss of ground and life.

When the Romulans joined the fight, Kes was far from relieved. He felt that his fallen comrades in arms and the Alliance as a whole had been cheated by their initial refusal and now they were posturing solely for their own gain and not that of the whole.

Even though the Dominion War ended in the unconditional surrender of the Dominion, there was still work to be done and Kes decided to stay with the StarFleet Marines for a few years before returning to the Andorian Imperial Guard.

The dissolution of the Alliance and the return of Romulan isolationism seemed to reinforce Kes’ opinions of them. The years of fighting had also begun to take a toll on Kes both mentally and physically. This led to a few trips to medical as well as the beginning of his self-medication.

After the destruction of the Romulan Empire, Kes personally disagreed with the opening of Federation borders. Because of the situation, Kes returned to the Starfleet Marines. However to him, Romulans as a whole had little to no honor and were self-serving and distrustful. Even though he didn’t agree with the policies put in place, he would still do his job as he was told. Albeit, not happily.
Service Record 2352 - Begin training in Andorian Imperial Guard as a child
2365 - Gained Full Commision in the Andorian Imperial Guard upon reaching the age of majority.
2365 - Assigned to Infantry detachment aboard the Andorian Battle Cruiser Itass. Took part in numerous missions and military actions during this time.
2373 - Took part in the Officer Exchange Program to help bolster the numbers for Starfleet in the looming Dominion War. Assigned to the USS Kensington as part of the Marine detachment.
2373 - Took part in the attack and subsequent destruction of the Dominion Shipyards at Torros III.
2374 - Part of the ground forces to take back DS9 during Operation Return.
2374 - Various skirmishes in the Alpha Quadrant
2375 to 2379 - After the surrender of the Dominion, the USS Kensington is one of the vessels assigned to rebuilding and security in Cardassian space.
2380 to 2387 - Assigned back to the Andorian Imperial Guard and assigned to lead an Infantry squad about the Andorian Battle Cruiser Atol.
2387 - Remustered to Starfleet Marines due to the current crisis unfolding with the fall of the Romulan Empire. Assigned to the USS Moore.