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Fri Dec 20th, 2024 @ 5:42am

Commander Steven Greco

Name Steven Paul Greco

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1'' (182cm)
Weight 172 lbs(78 km)
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Standing 6'1, Steven is solidly built due to a more rustic upbringing. Since joining Starfleet, he has kept a clean shaven look with a standard regulation haircut.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Paul Greco-Wildlife biologist, Retired; Grand Junction Colorado
Mother Jennifer Greco-Holo-novelist, Retired; Grand Junction Colorado
Brother(s) William Greco-Physician, Betazed
Other Family Relamar Greco-Sister-in-law, Betazed

Personality & Traits

General Overview A good-natured and fun loving man, Steve always enjoys socializing and has learned that use this natural social ability to his advantage as a first officer. Despite his easy-going nature, he holds very high standards for both himself and his crews. He has a strong sense of right and wrong and does not compromise on this principals, no matter what. Because of this, he has developed a bit of a reputation of being the perfect Starfleet officer, which has helped his career but also has rubbed some officers the wrong way.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Good natured with a good sense of humor
+Strong personal moral code
+Natural leader
+Remains calm and composed under pressure
-Always strictly follows protocol
-Struggles at times with self-criticism and imposter syndrome
-Holds others to the same standards he has for himself
Ambitions Command a starship.
To earn respect amongst his peers.
To be the perfect Starfleet officer.
Hobbies & Interests Hiking, white-water rafting, rock climbing, poker, camping, playing the piano, holo-photography, anbo-jytsu, Parrises Squares, rowing and water polo.

Philosophy, military history, architecture, sociology, computer science, zoology

Personal History Steven was born in 2351 and had a pleasant, but unremarkable childhood. He grew up in Colorado with his parents and younger brother Will.
Like his father, Steve always had a love for the outdoor lifestyle and for animals. His dad would frequently take Steve and Will on extended camping trips in the Colorado wilderness and teach the boys survival skills, and study the different animals. Whenever possible, Steve would join his father on his visits to other planets to study their wildlife.

Because of his love of animals, it came as a surprise when Steve joined Starfleet at eighteen as his parents expected him to follow his passion. While at the academy, Steve was less known for his academic prowess, and instead was more known for his leadership and people skill as he was social butterfly. Steve found he easily got along with his peers and was made captain of his Parrises Squares, rowing and water polo teams while there at various points. He also joined a small jazz ensemble on campus, playing at official functions for Starfleet personnel.

Graduating in 2373, Greco was assigned as Operations officer on the USS Columbia. It was not long before Steven saw battle and proved himself as a dedicated bridge officer. He quickly became known as a "goody-goody", being promoted to lieutenant fairly quickly. In 2375, Greco was apart of an away team that was attacked by several Jem'Hadar soldiers. The Starfleet soldiers were able to eventually subdue and capture their attackers, taking them prisoners.

Due to an ion storm moving through the system, the away team had to wait for the Columbia to be able to beam themselves, and their prisoners aboard. While waiting, several Starfleet officers decided they should execute the prisoners as payback for their dead crewmates. Greco refused to allow the prisoners to be harmed, disobeyed orders and held the other officers at gun point until the ship returned. Once onboard, he reported the incident to his commanding officer and named those that wanted to execute the Jem'Hadar. His naming of the officers led to their court-martials and subsequent imprisonments.

Despite losing the respect of some of his fellow officers for not being loyal to his crewmates and naming them, he was praised by Starfleet and was promoted to Lieutenant Commander for his actions and integrity. He quickly became a darling within Starfleet, but his reputation amongst his fellow officers was slightly tainted.

He stayed on the Columbia for another nine years before being promoted to Commander and being named first officer of the USS Calgary in 2384, where he had served for three years.
Service Record 2369-2373 - Starfleet Academy, Operations
2373-2384 - USS Columbia, Chief Operations Officer
2384-2387 - USS Calgary, First Officer
2387-Present - USS Moore, First Officer