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First Impressions - Vulcan Style

Posted on Mon Dec 9th, 2024 @ 5:54am by Captain Stryvek & Lieutenant JG T'Mara
Edited on on Thu Dec 12th, 2024 @ 11:23am

1,179 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Year One: Strange Bedfellows
Location: USS Moore - Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 002 : 1000 hrs

T’Mara swallowed and softly cleared her throat as she pulled at her uniform jacket. It was not nerves, she told herself as she pressed the chime to the captain’s office. Although she had met Captain Stryvek in the transporter room upon beaming over to the Moore, it had been only in passing as he had been there to meet the visiting Captain Naal. As she had been assigned to this post as CMO, it was only prudent, really, to engage with Stryvek in a professional capacity. No invitation had been forthcoming over the last few days - therefore, it was logical to take the initiative, was it not?

Pulling her hands behind her back, T’Mara stood ramrod straight awaiting a response to the door chime. Her only goal was to prove her utility. That was what all of this had been, if she were to be honest with herself, and she had poured the entirety of her being into her education and training to achieve that goal. Starfleet, at least on the surface, appeared to deal far more with the merits of an individual’s work versus the station in which one inhabited. Well, that, yes, but also because Vulcans were…jerks.

Upon hearing the soft murmuration of a male voice, T’Mara stepped forward through the now opening doors and stood before a rather aesthetically pleasing Vulcan male. “Captain Stryvek. It is not my desire to impede upon your efficiency, however, I wanted to formally introduce myself to as, as I have been assigned here as your new chief medical officer…”

"Very well Lieutenant. I believe we met upon your arrival in the transporter room." Stryvek thought that there had to be another reason for the Doctor's presence here. "Please sit down. I may have been remiss in saying so as Captain Naal had boarded the ship with you. But, welcome aboard the Moore."

"We did." T'Mara looked at the man behind the desk and felt a sense of uncertainty. Had the captain felt such a passing greeting to be sufficient? Did he not want to speak with her further at all? She took the offered seat.

"Is there anything regarding the medical department that I should be aware of, or any goals that we should be working towards for the efficiency of the ship? The last CMO did not leave any detailed notes prior to their transfer, and the organization of the department is sub-optimal on my initial review."

Stryvek took a sip of his tea that he had on his desk. It was a blend that Stewart had made for him. Something from Earth that was enjoyable. The very thought that something was enjoyable distracted him from the Doctor's conversation for the moment. Stryvek knew that he should not enjoy anything, and yet, here he was. There could be something wrong with his mind, after all he had taken the Kolinahr. It was something that he would have to meditate on the meaning of later. Then perhaps talk to the doctor about it.

Stryvek placed the tea cup down. "Forgive me. Can I offer you a cup of tea?" He motioned to the tea set on the server next to his desk. "As for the medical department. You may feel free to restructure it however you deem fit. My only request in that regard is to submit all your changes to Commander Greco and myself. This is more so that we can have the knowledge of what you did, then it is to approve anything. I would also like you to make sure that there is a doctor in each of the Sick Bays when the ship goes to Yellow Alert. For in times of combat it may become prudent to separate the ship. In that time I do not want to wait for medical staff to get in place."

T'Mara considered his offer. "It is not required, sir. Although the prerequisite gesture of hospitality is acknowledged. Your willingness to allow me to the freedom to restructure sick bay as necessary is also recognized. I do not have any specific recommendations at this time; the department is fairly well appointed." The staffing recommendation was also noted; but she did not feel the need to respond to it specifically as it was, in essence, an order. "I shall also ensure that staffing well balanced throughout the sickbays for that particular contingency."

"Very well Lieutenant. Do you have any questions or comments for me?" Stryvek sipped his tea. There was a fleeting moment where he found himself wondering if things would have been different if his Pon Faar and come after the Doctor had arrived on the ship. The thought of what the outcome would have been was in a word fascinating.

"I..." T'Mara kept from wringing her hands in her lap, but only barely. She had to presume that Stryvek had read her personnel file and knew of her 'distasteful' condition. He appeared--thus far--rather neutral regarding it all. She wouldn't even begin to hope that this would go so easily. "I am committed to my duties as a physician and a Starfleet officer. I come to serve; and it is my...aspiration to prove to this crew that I am effective at both."

Stryvek raised an eyebrow, this comment from T'Mara bordered on emotional. Of course he knew that she was part Romulan and that was most likely the cause. "Yes Doctor I am sure you will be quite sufficient at your profession. All that is asked is that you keep the health and well being of this crew."

T'Mara observed the captain's brow raise and hypothesized in that moment he had passed some form of judgement upon her. Although not logical, she presumed yet again she was found somehow wanting simply due to the misfortune of her birth. Her people exhausted her.

"Of course captain." Her response was perfectly neutral. Her decision to speak with Stryvek privately gave some insight, after all. He appeared outwardly accepting--in the moment--of her presence aboard his vessel. It was the most ideal outcome, yes? She braced her hands on the arms of the chair and made ready to stand. "I will not utilize anymore of your time. Thank you for allowing me audience with you."

"The door to my Ready Room is always open to members of the crew. if you need anything further please do not hesitate. If there is nothing else you are dismissed." Stryvek had not wanted T'Mara aboard his ship at first. However, after reading her service record she became the logical choice despite her parentage, or more accurately his distaste for her parentage.

T'Mara stood. "Hesitation is illogical. If I require anything further sir, I will inform you." Exiting his ready room, she postulated that this interaction was ideal. With what she knew about Captain Stryvek, which wasn't much other than what was available to her through the personnel data banks, to have been accepted as a member of the crew was enough.



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