Soft Therapy
Posted on Mon Jan 22nd, 2024 @ 1:08pm by Lieutenant JG Koaruh Avestro & Lieutenant Evelyn Stewart
0 words; about a 1 minute read
Year One: Whispers in the Wind
Location: USS Moore - Evelyn Stewart's Quarters
Timeline: MD: 021 2130 hrs
Evelyn laid along the length of her bed, head towards the end and tried relaxed into the moment as best she could. Despite feeling satiated by Koaruh and his sensual massage, her mind was still restless and she struggled to relax, even with the moody ambiance. Her mind drifted to back to her arguments with both Remy and Stryvek days earlier. She had hoped an evening in bed with the good counselor and some sensual oils and incense would help distract her, but it seemed to only marginally help with her anxiety.
"You know, your mind is as tense as your back." Koaruh commented as he tried to work out a knot in her shoulder. "I'd ask what's on your mind but given the multiple things that have happened in the last week I'd struggle to keep up..." he paused. "But I can listen in a less counsellory fashion and more of a friend if that's what you need."
Evelyn sighed in frustration at the situation, looking out the window to watch the streaking stars at warp as she tried to find words to put her thoughts to. She sighed in growing agitation, something that seemed to be a constant state for her recently. "You wouldn't understand." She snapped, laying her head on her hands as she let him work, trying to clear her mind of everything, but especially Remy and Stryvek. Her love life quickly becoming a mess and seeming to unravel lately.
He placed some more oil in his hands and began to move down to her lower back. "Well I wont have the chance to if you keep those lips closed." he commented as his hands pushed a little deeper into her skin, into her muscles. "But I know that's not what I'm for." he shook his head a little. "Love can be tough at the best of times."
Stewart gave the briefest of moans at the feel of the Betazoid’s hands digging into the muscles in her back before his words hit her. She quickly turned as best she could to face him. “I thought I told you to stay the hell out of my head.” She said, accusing the man of violating their agreement.
"Drop the tone Evelyn." Koaruh said softly. "I don't need to be in your head. It's written all over your face. It's quite insulting to accuse a Betazoid of entering someone's mind. We do have rules ourselves for that you know and as much as I play fast and loose with some, I don't with my telepathic abilities." he sighed.
Stewart was ready to argue but stopped before the words worked their way out of her throat. Instead she turned back around to let go back to what he was doing. “Sorry.” She offered as a curt apology. Taking a breath she tried to relax again and focused in attempting to release the tension in her body even as she was preoccupied thinking of her situation with Stryvek and who she had in her bed. She felt a pang of guilt but it was over just as quickly as it came on.
Evelyn considered the situation for a moment then turned her head in the direction of Koaruh without impeding what he was doing. “You are sworn to doctor-patient confidently, no matter what?” She asked quietly.
"If you are telling me it as a patient, then yes I am." Koaruh slowed what he was doing and looked at her. "If you were telling me as a friend then I'd still not tell anyone. I am a very trustworthy person you know." he put a smug looking face on.
Stewart didn’t answer him directly. In truth it didn’t matter. He was in a precarious position himself with his career just being in her bed. Taking a breath, she sighed heavily and rested her head back on her arms. “I’ve been sleeping with the captain.” She confessed, trusting the Betazoid would understand the gravity of the situation.
Koaruh paused for a moment, his hands still on her back. He frowned as he thought but that soon lifted as he nodded in acceptance of her words. "That must be... interesting." was all he could muster at first thought.
Stewart couldn't help the small smirk as she heard his confusion. "Is that your professional opinion, Counselor?" She teased.
Koaruh chuckled. "I mean... what is that even like?" he asked half rhetorically.
"The opposite of sleeping with a Betazoid." She quipped before turning on her back to face him as they talked, "In truth, the first time was one of the most intense experiences of my life, beyond just sex. And now, being around him just...makes sense." She thought out loud.
Koaruh nodded as if he completely understood the difference. "I have heard that sex with Vulcans can be intense, beyond physical. I mean you connect minds, don't you?" he asked. "I've read about it in psych papers."
Stewart simply nodded as she moved her leg into Koaruh’s lap, encouraging him to continue the massage. It helped to distract her and keep her mind off of the emotions of what they were discussing. “Your mind, your body, your being. You really do become one. It’s hard to describe, but especially during their emotional upheaval of their Pon Farr…” she shook her head in thought. “It is overwhelming and difficult to describe at the same time.” She tried to explain.
Despite her words, she knew that since then sex with Stryvek was far from such an experience and she was often left unsatisfied, however pleasurable it was. Hence why she had Avestro in her bed. Everything had become so routine and mechanical. Having no emotional connection to the Vulcan when making love only leaving her angry and reminding her of why the whole situation was ludicrous, regardless of their positions and careers.
"I would imagine, and this is just an observation, that you as quite an emotional person would find it difficult to be with someone who is so the opposite." Koaruh offered as his hands returned to Evelyns body. "And I don't mean emotional as in you are a powder keg ready to blow, simply that you are a very emotional person and even though you put up a hard veneer you do like connection with people. At least, that is how I have felt when you are with me, or with others such as Commander Davaris, around Mr. Naal." he offered examples.
Evelyn sighed as she took in Koaruh's words. She knew she was a passionate person, intensely passionate. It still didn't mean her time amongst Vulcans didn't impact her. "Like everything when it comes to Vulcans, it's complicated. You know I was raised there most of my childhood. There are things that both of us understand about each other that others can't." She commented before stopping in her tracks to what she was saying, hearing Koaruh bring up Remy. "What about Remy?" She asked much more guarded.
"You soften when you are around him, your shoulders drop, and you relax a little more, somewhat gravitate around him like there is a familiarity there that once existed but isn't quite the same." Koaruh responded. "At least that's what I have observed." he added to show it wasn't a Betazoid mind probing.
Evelyn watched him for several moments before relaxing, letting her guard down again. “Remy and I went to the Academy together.” She explained before deciding to give him a full confession. “His dad looked out for me and was like the father I never had. And…Remy and I were engaged once.” She admitted, not able to help the sadness she felt despite trying not to think of what was lost.
"I imagine seeing him again brings a lot back." Koaruh offered out. "But you have to look at where you are now, who you have in your life. I know we are all still a bit of a ragtag bunch but I like to think some of us are more important others to certain people." he pulled his hand up to scratch the back of his head. "How are you coping with seeing him again?"
Stewart laid back on the bed with a lazy thud as she considered the situation. "There is nothing to cope with. Remy and I have tried to make it work between us for years and came to the same conclusion we can't. Too much has changed between us."
"Sometimes even though two people have changed over a great deal of time there is still a lingering effect, an almost subconscious lure to each other. Human's call it a 'soft spot' I think." he shrugged. "But I do believe you when you say that there is nothing there to move with. Sometimes looking at an ex-partner is like holding a mirror up to yourself. You see who you are now and how you've matured."
Stewart smirked as she looked up into the handsome Betazoid's black eyes. "Don't go all psychoanalysis on me, Koaruh. It doesn't suit you." She teased before playing with his fingers idly. "Besides, he's not the problem."
Koaruh smirked and raised both his hands in defeat. "Fair enough." he slowly put his hands down. "And I never said he was the problem." he teased back.
Stewart glanced up at him with a smirk before going quiet, focused on tracing her fingertips along his hand as she thought quietly. "He wants to marry me." She said after several minutes in regard to Stryvek, avoiding Koaruh's gaze.
For once Koaruh had no words. "That's... not good?" he asked noting her reaction to her own words. "I know your time on Vulcan itself would maybe put you in good stead with knowing what to expect from that, but the most important question, if the only one, is what do you want?" he asked.
Evelyn wasn't expecting the question and it showed. She quickly turned away from him and back on her stomach to think and hide any expression. "I don't know." She said honestly before sighing, thinking through the idea for a long moment. "The idea of marrying a Vulcan. It just...well you said it yourself. I'm a passionate person. To be tied to someone like that for the rest of my life..." She shook her head in disgust as she thought about doing such a thing. It was a longer pause before she spoke again, more ruminative. "For all intents and purposes, Vulcan is the closest thing I have to a home or culture...but to give up my's a difficult life to be married to a Vulcan when you are not one. I saw that first hand. There are a lot of sacrifices one makes. Passion, desire, in the sense that you or I think of it, all those things that make a relationship so great are replaced with fondness. Cold, stoic, companionship." She commented, thinking of how much she would be giving up by being with Stryvek, despite the peace and happiness he gives her.
"As much of what you say is true I cannot imagine that a Vulcan would suggest joining together easily and without weighing the consequences to themselves and their people. As much as they would deny it Vulcans are proud, stubborn people... but I don't need to tell you that." Koaruh nodded, although that was more to himself. "Maybe you'd change him, make him cold, less stoic, and there must be something there is previous marriages between Humans and Vulcans have been successful and long-lived. Not to mention, you can always say no."
Evelyn looked out the window again, watching the streaking stars as she took in what he said. She nodded in her understanding before moving to sit in his lap. "Yes, but as we established, I'm not like most humans." She said playfully, not wanting to think of the matter further. She kissed him passionately. "I told him I refused to make any commitments or decisions now, so let's make the most of it." She said before kissing him again.
"No, you are most definitely not like most Humans... I can actually stand to be in the same room for more than 15 minutes. All that emotion..." Koaruh wrapped his arms around her gently as she kissed him passionately once again. "Although, I do like this one." he grinned as they rolled back into bed together.